

A TRIP DOWN MEMORY LANE: 9:21 PM (1/15/22): "Interesting letter that I received from the President of Rice University (David Leebron), in the Fall of 2009... when I had begun taking measures, to rectify inequities... along the pathway, to the fulfillment... of my endeavors..." - Michael Izuchukwu "To my recollection, I ended up getting an 'A' in HUMA 201 (public speaking)... despite having appealed... the manner, in which the course was instructed... I also got an A- in COST 1500 (Oral Rhetoric), a public speaking course that I took... at Seton Hall University..." - Michael Izuchukwu ... 3:32 PM (2/20/22): (my official transcript for Seton Hall University, including some transfer credits... from Rice  University) 5:06 PM (3/20/22): "As of 1/3/19, I could teach any subject in grades K-12... as a substitute teacher, in the South Orange Maplewood School District... One day I stopped by a Kindergarten setting, and a staff member said I wasn't being atte