9:21 PM (1/15/22): "Interesting letter that I received from the President of Rice University (David Leebron), in the Fall of 2009... when I had begun taking measures, to rectify inequities... along the pathway, to the fulfillment... of my endeavors..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"To my recollection, I ended up getting an 'A' in HUMA 201 (public speaking)... despite having appealed... the manner, in which the course was instructed... I also got an A- in COST 1500 (Oral Rhetoric), a public speaking course that I took... at Seton Hall University..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:32 PM (2/20/22):

(my official transcript for Seton Hall University, including some transfer credits... from Rice University)

5:06 PM (3/20/22):

"As of 1/3/19, I could teach any subject in grades K-12... as a substitute teacher, in the South Orange Maplewood School District... One day I stopped by a Kindergarten setting, and a staff member said I wasn't being attentive to the children (which was a story fabrication)... ...On top of that, she was unruly..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(my social security number was entered incorrectly, regarding the last four digits... a '9' should be present, as opposed to a '4')


11:39 AM (3/26/22):

1:30 PM (4/11/22): "It just dawned on me, that perhaps the incorrect entry of my social security number... on my substitute teacher's credential (featured above) for the South Orange Maplewood School District, was 'deliberate'... in the context of how I was dismissed from my former job (as a behavioral health technician)... at Ascendant NY (a detoxification facility), for no legitimate, justifiable or verifiable reason (as of 9/16/18, having been hired there... by Shari Noonan, on 6/3/18)... I had written a letter to the medical director (Dr. Aaron Metrikin) citing my concerns about a former coworker of mine (Alex Contino)... regarding what I felt was 'workplace discrimination,' for about 2-3 weeks that preceded my dismissal date... Nevertheless, during the 'orientation period' we had no issues with each other... and had gotten along, well... so, I found the antagonism towards me... to be both improper, and strange... 
I also recollect that there was a vacation period, at Ascendant NY, and the day after such began ('to my recollection')... my middle brother, JJ (John Jr.) attempted to extract money from me... so that he could pay off some 'thugs' he had been indebted to, for paraphernalia usage... We had cohabited at the Harclay House apartment complex (in East Orange, NJ) at the time (with my mom), and I recall my mom insisting that I comply with his demands... or she would 'evict' me from her apartment... Instead, I told the officers who arrived on scene... that I was willing to just go to a hospital, which I did... I was at the East Orange General Hospital (in East Orange, NJ) from 7/2/18 to 7/9/18, before returning to work... with a 'slip,' that confirmed where I had spent... my vacation... 
JJ was born on 9/4/91 and is no stranger to prank calling, given he once did such to me... while I had been with him, at the Harclay House apartment complex (but in a different room, than the one he was in)... 
My mom claims he is always working on his computer, and that he has a YouTube channel... where he does voice acting and voiceovers... so, I had reasons to suspect he interfered with my employment at Ascendant NY... in the context of him having had a felony conviction in 2016, for 'heroin possession'... and the fact that he allegedly just finished college at Montclair State University (with an 'international justice' degree), as of January 2022 (when my mom had shown me what she claims is his diploma, on her phone)...
I believe it's safe to assume that in the context of my middle brother's birthday (9/4/91), that an affiliate of Ascendant NY may have felt some discomfort with my 'untimely' dismissal... from my behavioral technician role (while being an Eastern Virginia Medical School student, in a 'remote capacity')... and felt that 'substitute teaching' was something that could keep me busy...
My mom had been the one to propose the substitute teaching job to me, in the Fall of 2018... before I applied for such... and I wonder who the mutual source was, to give her that suggestion (for me)... As of 11/21/18 (for about 2.5 months), a 'financial extortion scheme' ensued... so that JJ could reimburse those who he had been indebted to... Foreseeing that I could not financially assist JJ, indefinitely, I filed a lawsuit against my mom... which I won, as of 3/6/19, but a check for the 'exact amount' that I was due... was never given to me, in full..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Lawsuit victory document


Track record of my mom's financial extractions, from my Bank of America account... as of 11/21/18 (via the cellular application known as 'Zelle')


Concerned letter to Dr. Aaron Metrikin, who was the Ascendant NY medical director... as of 9/14/18


Photo of Ascendant NY



Calculate Duration Between Two Dates – Results (timeanddate.com) [https://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?m1=5&d1=18&y1=2015&m2=12&d2=20&y2=2016]

1:14 PM (6/28/22):
"Maybe JJ was scared (for his future), when he saw me returning from my job... at Ascendant NY, in scrubs (when I had been working there - 6/3/18 to 9/16/18)... and was thinking to himself, at home, 'how long was it from when Michael graduated from Seton Hall University, to the day... I committed my first felony... perhaps there is a way, to deflect from myself. I must find the time, to strike'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(a photo of me, walking through South Orange, NJ... at 9:13 AM, on 4/28/22)

(a photo of my Ascendant NY scrubs, from 6/7/21)

12:03 AM (7/29/22): 
"Matters of the spirit, should take priority... over those, which are worldly..." - Michael Izuchukwu
